S.NO Name of FDP/Training Programme Date/Period Resource Persons Total No. Benifited
Internal External Total
Outcome Sponsoring Authority
1 Application of artificial intelligence and soft computing techniques to Electrical Engineering 13-11-2018 to 17-11-2018  Dr. K. Srinivasa Bhaskar, Assistant Professor, IIT Bhubaneswar,  Dr. P. Sankar, Assistant Professor, NIT Andhra Pradesh,  Dr. N. Jaya Ram, Assistant Professor, NIT Andhra Pradesh,  Dr. N. Venkata Ramana Naik, Assistant Professor, NIT Rourkela  Dr. S. Shiva Kumar, Assistant Professor,  BITS, Mesra.
32 8 40
Imparting knowledge on Artificial Intelligence and soft computing techniques Gudlavalleru Engineering College
2 Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering 01-12-2018 Dr. Chattopadhyay Adhir Baran , Professor,EEE Deparment, BITS Dubai
Imparting knowledge on Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering Gudlavalleru Engineering College
3 Computational and Intelligent Techniques for Automation of Engineering Systems (CITAES) 30-11-2018 to 01-12-2018 Dr. D. M. Vinod Kumar, Professor, EE, NIT Warangal, Dr. D. V. S. S. Siva Sarma, Professor, EE, NIT Warangal
03 28
To publish papers Gudlavalleru Engineering College
4 Electric Power System 10-07-2017 to 15-07-2017 IIT Kharagpur
Imparting knowledge on Electric Power System National mission on education through ICT (MHRD).
5 A One Week Refresher Course On Basic Electrical Engineering 19-06-2017 to 24-06-2017 Dr.V.Kama Raju, Retired Professor & Principal ,JNTU K  , Dr.G.Raja Rao,Professor & Head  ANITS,Vishakhapatnam
22 NIL 22
Imparting knowledge on teaching skills in handling the subject and provide conceptual  knowledge to students Gudlavalleru Engineering College
6 Board of Studies (BOS) Meeting 19-05-2018 Dr. Debapriya Das, Professor, IIT Kharagpur, Dr.V.T. Somasekhar, Professor, NIT Warangal and Dr. G. Kasi Viswanadha Raju,Design Engineer ,GE Limited, Bangalore
30 NIL 30
To discuss on Curriculum Design Gudlavalleru Engineering College
7 One day work shop on Curriculum design –outcome based education 27-12-2017 Dr. V. T. Soma sekhar, Professor, NIT Warangal
15 NIL 15
Awareness on curriculum design. Gudlavalleru Engineering College
8 One day work shop on Curriculum design –outcome based education 27-12-2017 Dr. G. Yesuratnam Professor, OU College of Engineering, Hyderabad
15 NIL 15
It gives awareness on curriculum design. Gudlavalleru Engineering College
9 Advanced Industrial Automation Training 14-11-2016 to 18-11-2016 Mr. Himanshu Kumar, Director & Mr. Amit Kumar, Trainee, INDWELL Industrial Automation Training
37 11 48
Impart knowledge on Industrial Automation
10 power system simulation tool software 23-07-2016 Mr. G. Hemanth Kumar, R&D Engineer, PRDC, Bangalore
Imparting basic Knowledge on power system simulation tool software Gudlavalleru Engineering College
11 Applied Research on Renewable Energy Sources and Microgrids 18-11-2019 to 23-11-2019 Dr. V. Vignesh IITT, Dr. D,M Vinod Kumar NITW, Dr. P.S. KulkarniVNIT, Dr. V.T. Somasekhar NITW, Dr. S. Srinivasarao NITW
31 8 39
Imparting knowledge on Renewable Energy Sources and Microgrids gudlavalleru Engineering College
12 A Two Day Staff Training Program on “MATLAB Tools for Engineers – Hands on Experience” 10-01-2017 to 11-01-2017 Mr. J. Prem Kumar, Product Manager, Mathsworks, Hyderabad
Awareness on MATLAB tools and Applications Gudlavalleru Engineering College
13 One Week FDP on "Applied Research in Electric Vehicle Technologies" 15-06-2020 to 20-06-2020 Mr.Srujana Raghupatruni Patnaik
29 221 250
Gudlavalleru Engineering College
14 Short Term Training Program on " Automation and Intelligent Control of Electrical Systems - Phase -1 " 03-08-2020 to 08-08-2020 Dr. Debapriya Das, IIT-Kharagpur Dr. Sukumar Misra, IIT-Delhi Dr. Ranjan Kumar Behra, IIT-Patna Dr. Bhimrao Umre, NIT-Nagpur Dr. D. Koteswara Raju, NIT-Silchar Dr. N. Selva Ganesan, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram
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15 Short Term Training Program on " Automation and Intelligent Control of Electrical Systems- Phase-II" 21-10-2020 to 26-10-2020 Dr. Keshri Ritesh Kumar, Dr. R.C. Bansal, Dr. Sandip Ghosh, Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Sahay, Dr. Arvind Singh, Dr. D.Koteswara Raju, Dr. Vimlesh Verma, Dr. Y.V. Hote
16 AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Program on "AUTOMATION AND INTELLIGENT CONTROL OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS - Phase-III" 16-11-2020 to 21-11-2020 Mr.Pavan Kumar Singh, Director/Founder, Nextr AI and Digital Solution, Dr. Sankar Peddapati Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Andhra Pradesh, Dr. S. Surender Reddy, Professor, Department of Railroad and Electrical Engineering, Woosong University, Dr. Chilaka Ranga, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Srinagar, Dr. Binoy Krishna Roy, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Silchar
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Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru
17 AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Program on "AUTOMATION AND INTELLIGENT CONTROL OF ELECTRICALSYSTEMS - Phase-IV 15-03-2021 to 20-03-2021 Dr.D.Koteswara Raju Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT, Silchar, Dr.N.Satyanarayana, Assistant Professor Department of Electrical Engineering, MNIT Jaipur, Dr. S. Sen Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT,Kharagpur, Dr. Venkata Kirthiga Associate Professor Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli, Dr.Lalith Chandra Saikia, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT,Silchar
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Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru
18 One week FDP on "Intelligent Control Techniques for Electrical Systems" 31-01-2022 To 04-02-2022 Dr.Vimlesh Verma , NIT Parna, Dr.I.Satish Kumar, NIT Warangal and others
28 30 58
-- Seshadri Rao Gudlavalleru Engineering College
19 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Electrical Engineering Systems - AITEES - 2022 06-05-2022 to 07-05-2022 Dr. Valentina E. Balas from Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania, Dr. Pierlugi Siano from University of Salerno Italy, Dr Josep M. Guerrero from Alborg University Denmark and Dr. Ramesh Chandra Bansal from University of Sharjah, UAE
20 A One week FDP on " ADVANCES IN RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ELECTRIC VEHICLES " 20-02-2023 to 24-02-2023 Dr.L.Suresh, Assistant Professor, NIT, Suratkal , Dr. K. Lokesh , Assistant Professor, VIT,AP and others
20 30 50
?The participants have been educated about the latest advances in Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles Seshadri Rao Gudlavalleru Engineering College
21 Intelligent Control of Electrical Systems using Machine Learning 16-10-2023 to 20-10-2023
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Seshadri Rao Gudlavalleru Engineering College
22 A One Week Orientation Program on “Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering ” 29-01-2024 to 03-02-2024 1. Dr. G. Srinivasa Rao, Professor, EEE, SRGEC 2. Dr. L Ravi Srinivas, Professor, EEE, SRGEC 3. Mr. E. Vargil Kumar, Associate Professor, EEE, SRGEC 4.Ms. B. Naga Sireesha, Assistant Professor, ECE, SRGEC 5. Ms. T. Venkata Lakshmi, Associate Professor, ECE, SRGEC 6. Ms. L. Padma Latha, Associate Professor, ECE, SRGEC
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The main aim of this Orientation Program is to train the faculty members to expose to the field of electrical & electronics engineering, and to acquire the fundamental knowledge in this field. In this program the participants were familiarized with the basic principles and operation of all electrical and electronics components. This session also emphasized to deal with the measurement of voltage, current, Power factor, power, and energy. SRGEC
23 One week Faculty development programme on “PLC HMI (Human-machine Interface) Design and Integration” 01-07-2024 to 06-07-2024 Sri .Himanshu Kumar, Director, Indwell Automation, Mangaluru
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The main aim of this FDP is to train the faculty members to expose to the hands-on training and practical knowledge in PLC HMI design and integration, covering topics such as interface design principles, programming techniques, integration with PLC systems, and best practices in human-machine interaction. SRGEC